"Joal" in Santa Barbara

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Sobre Sarkozy

Um artigo de opiniao no Diario de Noticias

"Nicolas Sarkozy eleito, é altura de pedir contas. E não a ele. Raramente se viu uma opinião tão definitiva e errada sobre alguém. O facto de essa opinião ir no sentido do pêlo dos pedaços de asno caseiros levou a este Waterloo da formação de opinião. Construiu-se a convicção de que Sarkozy era um fascista, um racista. Eleito, a primeira semana já deu para ver.

Há meses, foi notícia a violência nos subúrbios de Paris. Jovens, filhos de imigrados, queimavam automóveis dos vizinhos. Centenas por dia. Excepto em manicómios, estes factos não costumam receber aplausos. É consensual que é imoral destruir os bens dos pobres (já restrinjo as vítimas aos pobres para ser mesmo consensual). Acontece, porém, que parte da opinião pública pode tornar-se manicómio se der jeito a alguns pedaços de asno. Sendo a culpa sempre da sociedade, arranja-se uma razão para que Ali, de 17 anos, queime o velho Simca de Hassan, de 38, trolha. Não se esqueçam do lamiré do poeta: "Dizem que o rio é violento, mas ninguém fala da violência das margens que o oprimem." Procurem-se, pois, as margens.

Em Outubro de 2005, o ministro do Interior Sarkozy foi a Argenteuil, nos subúrbios de Paris. Por acaso, nesses dias havia uma polémica em França sobre o voto dos imigrados e o campeão desse direito era Sarkozy. Mas esqueçam, não dá jeito. O ministro ia a pé e um grupo de jovens atirou-lhe pedras. Azar, ele não é cobarde. Em 1993, um bombista sequestrou vários miúdos numa escola primária. Sarkozy era porta-voz do Governo mas exigiu ser ele a ir parlamentar com o terrorista. Entrou na escola e libertou alguns reféns. História montada? Perguntem ao terrorista, que foi abatido pela polícia.

Bom, Argenteuil... Sarkozy passa por um prédio. Do 2.º andar, uma árabe grita-lhe: "Acabe com esta canalha." O ministro levantou a cabeça e disse: "Ah, está farta desta canalha?! Vou livrá-la dela." Não é isso a função do patrão dos polícias? Pois os pedaços de asno de todo o mundo colaram a Sarkozy esta versão: ele chamou canalhas aos jovens árabes. Perante a violência da margem, o rio da banlieue tornou-se violento, pôs- -se a queimar carros.

E foi assim que nos apresentaram Sarkozy. Fascista, racista. Se eleito, ele iria cuspir nos imigrados... Como um mandato é por cinco anos, os aldrabões adiariam a prova: vão ver, vão ver... Acontece que Sarkozy, entre os famigerados defeitos que tem, trabalha rápido. Balanço da 1.ª semana: o fascista deu como exemplo aos liceais um jovem herói comunista fuzilado pelo nazis; retrógrado, o seu Governo tem metade mulheres; sectário, nomeou vários socialistas; racista, fez porta-voz a ministra da Justiça, uma árabe. Os pedaços de asno tinham razão em não gostar dele. Sarkozy é um perigo para os pedaços de asno."

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Political views

Fiz este teste: European Political Views em http://www.selectsmart.com/FREE/select.php?client=polphil

Deu isto:

#1 You are a libertarian conservative. You hold that the free market is the best way of organising economic activity, but you combine this with adherence to more traditional social values of authority and duty.

#2 You are a Christian democrat - or, in the UK, a "One Nation conservative"; in other words, although you share the usual conservative belief in stability and duty, you believe that such duties include a responsibility on the part of the better-off to help those who are less fortunate. You will be socially conservative, but in favour of a mixed economy where the state does have a role in providing public services. Christian democracy arose after World War II, succeeding more doctrinaire Catholic parties dating from the 1870s.

#3 You are a market liberal. You adhere to the traditional liberal belief in freedom, and take this to mean negative rather than positive freedom - i.e. a slimmed-down state is the best guarantor of freedom. You will therefore support a laissez-faire economic policy, and you will be reasonably tolerant on the social front - though less emphatically so than social liberals.

#4 You are an anarcho-capitalist. Anarcho-capitalists take the Jeffersonian belief that "that government is best which governs least", and extend it - "that government is best which governs not at all". The theory of anarcho-capitalism is that the market can replace the state as a regulator of individual behaviour (resulting in private courts, private policing etc.).

#5 You adhere to the Third Way. The Third Way is a fairly nebulous concept, but it rests on the idea of combining economic efficiency - i.e. a market economy with some intervention - with social responsibility. The focus is emphatically on the community as a whole, and not necessarily equality per se. Adherents of the Third Way range from moderate to conservative in their social views, and have recently been willing to take a "tough" line on a range of social issues.

#6 You are a social democrat. Like other socialists, you believe in a more economically equal society - but you have jettisoned any belief in the idea of the planned economy. You believe in a mixed economy, where the state provides certain key services and where the productivity of the market is harnessed for the good of society as a whole. Many social democrats are hard to distinguish from social liberals, and they share a tolerant social outlook.

#7 You are a social liberal. Like all liberals, you believe in individual freedom as a central objective - but you believe that lack of economic opportunity, education, healthcare etc. can be just as damaging to liberty as can an oppressive state. As a result, social liberals are generally the most outspoken defenders of human rights and civil liberties, and combine this with support for a mixed economy, with an enabling state providing public services to ensure that people's social rights as well as their civil liberties are upheld.

#8 You are a fascist. You combine a strong belief in the nation with authoritarian social values, and a willingness to impose your views upon others. You strongly oppose immigration, and are willing to take radical action to combat it.

#9 You are an ecologist or green. You believe that the single greatest challenge of our time is the threat to our natural environment, and you feel that radical action must be taken to protect it - whether in the enlightened self-interest of humanity (in the tradition of 'shallow ecologism') or, more radically, from the perspective of the ecosystem as a whole, without treating humans as the central species (deep ecologism).

#10 You are a classical socialist, believing in equality of outcome as a principle. This might mean greater equality (e.g. Old Labour), or as close to absolute equality as possible. However, you will believe in an extensive public sector, covering not just public services (transport, healthcare etc.) but probably also the 'commanding heights' of industry (e.g. iron and steel). Your views on personal morality will be reasonably tolerant, in general, but there is considerable variation within this political group.

#11 You are an anarcho-communist, aiming for a society without the state, based on small, decentralised groups living communally.

#12 You are a communist. You believe, at least in theory, in absolute equality of income - and you oppose the whole capitalist system per se. You want to abolish the market economy and replace it with one in which the workers (usually meaning the state) control the building blocks of the economy. Your views on personal morality will vary; traditional communists tended to be more authoritarian, while modern "eurocommunists" tend to take a liberal line.